Monday, October 17, 2011


Kids Love It When You...

* Look them in the eyes
* Listen to them
* Acknowledge their value
* Give them a surprise
* Take them on a scavenger hunt
* Play with them
* Let them choose the restaurant
* Invite them to a movie
* Laugh at their silly jokes
* Let them stay up late
* Talk in a funny voice
* Make fun of yourself
* Tease them
* Build them up
* Give them responsibility
* Hold them as able
* Believe in them
* Create challenges for them
* Dish out meaningful praise
* Encourage
* Practice what you preach
* Treat their mother well
* Pay attention to their friends
* Know their interests
* Do something that's unexpected
* Are spontaneous
* Show them your creative side
* Invest in their future
* Ask for their input
* Let them order what they want from the menu
* Set high standards
* Set a good example
* Make them do their chores
* Stand up for injustice
* Ride a rollercoaster with them
* Invite their friends to a movie
* Let them have a sleepover
* Attend their games
* Take them out for ice-cream
* Know what's going on with their schooling
* Get their sense of humor
* Don't nag
* Are fully present & engaged for their activities
* Are quick to forgive a mistake
* Let them lean on your shoulder
* Ask them questions that challenge their thinking
* Hear their insights
* Appreciate their diverse opinion opinions - even when they don't agree with yours
* Love them unconditionally
* Admit when you are wrong
* Empathize with what they are experiencing
* Show relevance to their world
* Apologize easily
* Keep standing in times of trouble
* Are there for them - no matter what!
* Remember their birthdays
* Teach them how to play a new sport
* Spend QUALITY time together
* Recognize the effort they put forth
* Reward their accomplishments
* Embark on an adventure together
* Let them sit in the front seat
* Know what their favorite color is
* Order their favorite food
* Ignite their passions
* Never blame them
* Question them in a way that shows you're genuinely interested in what they have to say
* Understand what they are going through
* Value them immensely
* Walk the walk
* Be a good Example
* Forget a transgression - show forgiveness
* Jam with their music
* Show them you yearn for new things too
* Make memories with them that means more than spending your money
* Do what you said you would do...Follow through
* Keep a promise
* Show them by example rather than by your words
* Tell the truth
* Try something new
* Act zany
* Appreciate their individuality
* Don't compare them to siblings
* Don't play favorites
* Make them feel like they are the most special person in the world
* Help an animal
* Show acts of kindness and compassion
* Do Random acts of kindness
* Clear your calendar for them
* Use good language
* Live your integrity
* Praise rather than criticize
* Demonstrate the ability to look at another perspective fairly
* Model good manners
* Listen without judgment
* Are actively involved in what matters to them
* Treat elders with respect
* Finish what you start
* Help them become mroe than they thought they could be!
* Develop their potential
* Believe in their dreams

-Mr. Mac

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